belongs to the group of High-Alkaline (pH 8,8), Low-Mineralized, and Bicarbonate waters.

Prolom Water is low-mineralized, alkaline water (pH 8,8 – 9.2), with hypothermic properties. It has a natural diuretic and bacteriostatic effect. The high alkalinity of Prolom Water makes it ideal for establishing the body’s pH balance. Because of its low mineralization, it can be consumed in great quantities, and its mineral composition is suitable for all population categories: children, pregnant women, adults, athletes and amateur sportsmen.


Prolom Water belongs to the category of Sodium-Hydro-Carbonate, Silica, Alkaline, Oligomineral and Hypothermal waters.


Prolom Water has an important role in the preservation of health. It is especially recommended for rehydration of our body and auxiliary mean in the treatment of the following diseases: Kidney and urinary tract diseases, Digestive diseases, Skin diseases, and Non-articular rheumatism.

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Low Mineral Content



Mineral Salt 150 ppm
Fluoride Ion 0.12 ppm
Temperatures 30 oC
Metasilicic Acid 3.25 ppm


Bicarbonates 74,5
Chlorides 2,0
Sulfates 2,5
Cations ppm
Calcium < 3,0
Potassium < 0,50
Magnesium < 0,10
Sodium 48,3
Balance  Still
Virginality Veri Good
Minerality Low
Orientation Alkaline
Hardness Soft
Vintage Old
Carbonation None


The significance of the pH value

pH is a measure of the acidic or basic (alkaline) nature of a solution (concentration of the hydrogen ion [H+] activity in a solution determines the pH). The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, which is the most acidic, a pH of 7 is neutral, and 14 is the most alkaline. The pH scale is logarithmic and as a result, pH 8 is ten times more alkaline than 7, and pH 9 is hundred times more alkaline. Our blood and other body fluids that surround the cells are slightly alkaline (pH from 7.2 to 7.45). If blood pH drops down to 6.9 a person falls into a coma or even dies. Fortunately, our body has mechanisms that help it to keep its balance and prevent great changes of pH value. It is breathing – lungs, then the so called buffer systems in body fluids, and selection of hydrogen ions in kidneys.

Prolom is 100% natural alkaline water

“acid waste”

The modern way of life can produce great quantities of the so called “acid waste” in our body. 97% of food that is product of metabolism produces acid waste, and one of the most important factors which cause acidity in the body are smoking, alcohol, stress and pollution. Our body is forced to constantly fight to neutralize acids, which in time impoverish the reserves of our neutralization systems. The acids that have originated burden our body on a long-term basis, which causes numerous issues: obesity, reduced immunity, lack of energy, but also a whole series of diseases connected with acidity, which include diabetes, osteoporosis, formation of kidney stones, arthritis, cancer, etc.

Prolom helps to neutralize acid

Strong antioxidant

Alkaline water contains more negative OH- ions, which liberate more oxygen in the blood. In fact, if the blood is only a bit more alkaline (from 7.3 to 7.45) there will be approximately 2/3 more oxygen in it, available to all cells in our body! Dr. Otto Warburg, who received two Nobel Prizes, discovered in 1932 that lack of oxygen in the cells causes cancer. Unlike the normal cells, cancer cells do not need oxygen and they flourish in an acidic environment. Dr. Warburg also discovered that mutated receptors, which cause cancer, are unlikely to appear if pH value of cells is at a healthy alkaline level. In order to fight with great quantities of acid waste the body produces to many free radicals, which induce oxidative stress not only on the waste, but also healthy cells. Negative OH- ions from the alkaline water neutralize free radicals, i.e. act as a strong antioxidant.

Prolom is a strong antioxidant


The Prolom Water Spring

is found on the eastern slopes of Radan Mountain, which belongs to the oldest volcanic massif in the region. The whole Mt. Radan is a kind of ecological oasis, since in the diameter of 50 km there are no industrial facilities nor busy highways. The Prolom Water mineral spring and modern bottle filling plant are found in the immediate vicinity of the Prolom Spa, in which all healing properties of Prolom Water and the nature environment serve to improve health and vitality.

Prolom & External World

On its way from the spring to the consumers, Prolom Water passes through an entirely closed system without any physical or chemical treatment. The first contact of Prolom Water and the external world is when you open the bottle!

The Nature Park Radan

The part of the mountain is under the protection of the government of Serbia and World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), a body which is part of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), as The Nature Park Radan, citing its geological, biological and landscape diversity. The Nature Park Radan has been declared as  “protected area of exceptional importance” by IUCN. It spreads over the area of four municipalities, BojnikMedveđaProkuplje and Kuršumlija, and covers an area of 41,312.66 ha (102,085.8 acres). Its highest peak, Sopot, has an elevation of 1,408 meters (4,619 ft) above sea level. The best known spot on Radan, beside Prolom Water Spring, is the Devil’s Town – a peculiar rock formation consisting of hundreds of mushroom-like posts, located on its southern slopes.


Calcium and magnesium levels combine to determine the mineral water’s “hardness”. 


Mineral Water’s subtle taste and terroir are determined by the minerals it contains. It is measured in mg/l and is called TDS or Dry Residue.


Virginality indicates how protected a water is from its surroundings. It is determined by the water’s level of nitrate.


pH Factor of Water – pH (for “potential hydrogen”) measures the waters’s level of acidity or alkalinity.


Carbonation Levels of Bottled Water.

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